OOPS! WE MOVED! TD Cocoa has become PLAYdates!

Click HERE to go to our new webPage

Why the change from TD Cocoa to PLAYdates?

Our goal is to offer the same warm, cozy, and satisfying networking experiences we’ve provided since May as TD Cocoa, but for a wider circle of people than just those in Talent Development. Based on the PLAY Polarities, we will welcome all people interested in improving themselves and the world around them. Consider it networking for people who like to help each other. We expect that most of our members will still have roles where they work with other people a lot: Learning & Development, Human Resources, Organizational Development, and management in general. However, we expect the following will be what really makes someone a productive member of this community:

  • Authenticity

  • Curiosity

  • Empathy

  • Willingness to Reflect, Learn, and Share

If that describes you (or if you want it to describe you), please come to one of our events and see what you think!

Excuse our Mess! (We’ll update the following soon!)


TD Cocoa is a community of kind people who are making business more human through a series of human-focused virtual networking events. The real goal is connecting, share with others about what we are individually and collectively experiencing. You can join the community or just come to a TD Cocoa event whenever it suits you!


When TD Cocoa started, the focus was connecting Talent Developers (hence “TD”), but we now invite anyone in business to join. Mostly, we are still people who mostly work with people: Human Resources, Learning & Development, Organization Development, etc. But yes, you’re invited!

What happens during a TD Cocoa Event?

TD Cocoa events include small group discussions, usually over a provided theme. Your host (that’s me) or a guest commentator will odtenshare reflections on the theme. Registration is limited; I purposefully keep these small (<30) and cozy. Each runs about 90 minutes. The conversation is very casual but always HR-appropriate. Share stories. Learn tips. Connect with great people!


Find Zoom Tech Help for TD Cocoa and additional TD Cocoa FAQs here!

Schedule 22 Minutes with Matt

Meeting multiple people not your thing? Want to meet just one person? How about me! Click on the title above to schedule time using Calendly.

We can talk about making virtual meetings not terrible, Talent Development, Applied Improvisation, coping during COVID, or whatever would be of value to you. I like to connect with people and would love to connect with you. And, we can just talk over the phone. No Zoom necessary!


Videos About TD Cocoa